library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --library altera; --use altera.altera_syn_attributes.all; entity my_spi_slave is port ( cs : in std_logic; sck : in std_logic; mosi : in std_logic; miso : out std_logic; a0 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); a1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); b0 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); b1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); i_clk : in std_logic ); end my_spi_slave; architecture ppl_type of my_spi_slave is signal miso_pos : integer range 0 to 63:=0; signal mosi_pos : integer range 0 to 63:=0; signal tx_buf : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0):=X"0000000000000000"; signal rx_buf : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0):=X"0000000000000000"; signal cmd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):=X"00"; signal a0_buf : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"00000000"; signal a1_buf : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"00000000"; signal b0_buf : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"00000000"; signal b1_buf : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"00000000"; signal cs_wire : std_logic:='1'; signal sck_wire : std_logic:='0'; signal mosi_wire : std_logic:='0'; signal miso_wire : std_logic:='0'; signal cs_pres : std_logic:='1'; signal cs_prev : std_logic:='1'; signal cs_rising : std_logic:='0'; signal cs_falling : std_logic:='0'; signal sck_pres : std_logic:='0'; signal sck_prev : std_logic:='0'; signal sck_rising : std_logic:='0'; signal sck_falling : std_logic:='0'; begin a0<=a0_buf; a1<=a1_buf; b0<=b0_buf; b1<=b1_buf; sck_wire<=sck; miso<=miso_wire; cs_wire<=cs; mosi_wire<=mosi; cs_pres<=cs_wire; cs_rising<='1' when (cs_prev='0' and cs_pres='1') else '0'; cs_falling<='1' when (cs_prev='1' and cs_pres='0') else '0'; sck_pres<=sck_wire; sck_rising<='1' when (sck_prev='0' and sck_pres='1') else '0'; sck_falling<='1' when (sck_prev='1' and sck_pres='0') else '0'; process(i_clk)begin if i_clk'event and i_clk='1' then cs_prev<=cs_wire; sck_prev<=sck_wire; end if; end process; process(i_clk)begin if i_clk'event and i_clk='1' then if cs_falling='1' then mosi_pos<=0; miso_pos<=0; tx_buf<=X"0000000000000000"; rx_buf<=X"0000000000000000"; cmd<=X"00"; miso_wire<=tx_buf(63); end if; if cs_rising='1' then case cmd is when "10000000"=> a0_buf<=rx_buf(31 downto 0); when "10000001"=> a1_buf<=rx_buf(31 downto 0); when "10000010"=> b0_buf<=rx_buf(31 downto 0); when "10000011"=> b1_buf<=rx_buf(31 downto 0); when others=> null; end case; end if; if sck_rising='1' and cs_wire='0' then if mosi_pos=7 then cmd<=(rx_buf(6 downto 0) & mosi_wire); end if; rx_buf<=(rx_buf(62 downto 0) & mosi_wire); tx_buf<=(tx_buf(62 downto 0) & '0'); mosi_pos<=mosi_pos+1; end if; if sck_falling='1' and cs_wire='0' then if mosi_pos=8 then case cmd is when "00000000"=> tx_buf(63 downto 32)<=a0_buf; when "00000001"=> tx_buf(63 downto 32)<=a1_buf; when "00000010"=> tx_buf(63 downto 32)<=b0_buf; when "00000011"=> tx_buf(63 downto 32)<=b1_buf; when others=> null; end case; case cmd is when "00000000"=> miso_wire<=a0_buf(31); when "00000001"=> miso_wire<=a1_buf(31); when "00000010"=> miso_wire<=b0_buf(31); when "00000011"=> miso_wire<=b1_buf(31); when others=> null; end case; else miso_wire<=tx_buf(63); end if; miso_pos<=miso_pos+1; end if; end if; end process; end;
これで、とりあえず、Analysis&Synthesisをすると、ErrorもWarningもでない。で、Tools-->Run Simulation Tool-->RTL SimulationでModelSimを起動。、、、ていうかこのあたりの操作は、SPIハードをFPGAで(2)、SPIハードをFPGAで(3)参照で。
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity my_spi_slave_tb is end my_spi_slave_tb; architecture sim of my_spi_slave_tb is component my_spi_slave is port ( cs : in std_logic; sck : in std_logic; mosi : in std_logic; miso : out std_logic; a0 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); a1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); b0 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); b1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); i_clk : in std_logic ); end component; signal clksys : std_logic:='0'; constant STEPSYS : TIME := 6.25 ns; signal cs_tb : std_logic:='1'; signal sck_tb : std_logic:='0'; signal mosi_tb : std_logic:='0'; signal miso_tb : std_logic:='0'; signal a0_tb : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"3F800000"; signal a1_tb : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"BF7814CD"; signal b0_tb : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"3C7D6652"; signal b1_tb : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=X"3C7D6652"; signal spitxbuf : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0):=X"0000000000"; signal spirxbuf : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0):=X"0000000000"; signal a0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin my_spi_slave_inst : component my_spi_slave port map( cs=>cs_tb, sck=>sck_tb, mosi=>mosi_tb, miso=>miso_tb, a0=>a0, a1=>a1, b0=>b0, b1=>b1, i_clk=>clksys ); process begin cs_tb<='1'; spitxbuf<=X"80"&a0_tb; wait for 100 us; cs_tb<='0'; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); for i in 0 to 39 loop wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='1'; spirxbuf(0)<=miso_tb; spitxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spitxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); spirxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spirxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; end loop; wait for 1 us; cs_tb<='1'; spitxbuf<=X"81"&a1_tb; wait for 3 us; cs_tb<='0'; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); for i in 0 to 39 loop wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='1'; spirxbuf(0)<=miso_tb; spitxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spitxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); spirxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spirxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; end loop; wait for 1 us; cs_tb<='1'; spitxbuf<=X"82"&b0_tb; wait for 3 us; cs_tb<='0'; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); for i in 0 to 39 loop wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='1'; spirxbuf(0)<=miso_tb; spitxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spitxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); spirxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spirxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; end loop; wait for 1 us; cs_tb<='1'; spitxbuf<=X"83"&b1_tb; wait for 3 us; cs_tb<='0'; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); for i in 0 to 39 loop wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='1'; spirxbuf(0)<=miso_tb; spitxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spitxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; wait for 1 us; sck_tb<='0'; mosi_tb<=spitxbuf(39); spirxbuf(39 downto 0)<=spirxbuf(38 downto 0)&'0'; end loop; wait for 1 us; cs_tb<='1'; wait for 100 us; assert false report "Finish" severity failure; end process; clksys <= not(clksys) after STEPSYS/2; end;
transcript on if {[file exists rtl_work]} { vdel -lib rtl_work -all } vlib rtl_work vmap work rtl_work vcom -93 -work work {C:/Users/hoge/Documents/Quartus/work_Prime18.1/my_spi_slave_101/my_spi_slave.vhd} vcom -93 -work work {C:/Users/hoge/Documents/Quartus/work_Prime18.1/my_spi_slave_101/simulation/modelsim/tb.vhd} vsim -L altera_mf_ver -c work.my_spi_slave_tb add wave -hex sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/clksys add wave -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/cs_tb add wave -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/sck_tb add wave -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/mosi_tb add wave -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/miso_tb add wave -radix hexadecimal -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/a0 add wave -radix hexadecimal -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/a1 add wave -radix hexadecimal -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/b0 add wave -radix hexadecimal -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/b1 add wave -radix hexadecimal -position end sim:/my_spi_slave_tb/my_spi_slave_inst/cmd log -r * run -all
do my_spi_slave_run_msim_rtl_vhdl.do
ところで、QuartusPrimeの最新版(現時点で22.1.1)でNios開発するならWSLのUbuntu 18.04 LTSが要件ってやつ、何とかならんのかね、、、WSLには複数のディストリビューションは入れれんから、とんでもなく狭い範囲に拘束されるわけで。なので今でもうちはQuartusPrime18.1.0。